Do I like it?
One month is gone. I have seen the country from different aspects of view; how locals see it, how well-off family sees it, how employees see it and finally how foreigners see it.
How do I see it?
A bit “disappointed” figuring out that saying “He works like a black guy” is not really true, but at the same time being aware I can’t blame them. How can I if the don’t know alternative way, they can’t work as if they had. But if they had only moved a bit faster, if they had worked only a bit more, if they had saved that cent they earn instead of wasting it immediately…
And so the story continues. Those who do have a job will remain being dishonest (to be able to earn extra money) what is not going to help them in a long term, those who have nothing will continue selling little things on the market in order to earn money for a bit of rice they will eat for their lunch.
Giving them money is not going to help; we all know this because they would have just spent it to buy sweets or the first thing that passes by.
Do I like it?
Yes, I am happy I had a chance to see how these people live, to see unusual things, to be part of Guinean family. I am happy to see my ideas are being implemented in a firm I work for, even if small drop in the ocean, like implementing savings in Micro credit firm might make someone a better day. Yes, I adore eating mango 5 times per day and yes children of Africa are adorable when they all came and hug you when you come back from work.
No, people’s passivity, laziness and complaining are things that make me crazy. Imagine forcing someone to work or giving them extra work … This makes me a boss they wouldn’t like (and I don’t want that). I don’t like to live in such a dirty town, full of rubbish and to live in a town, where believe me or not you really don’t have much to do (remember electricity is a bonus). I don’t like people responding to my questions with “yes” all the time and agreeing all the time, when next day they come with a totally different idea mine was; they could have said it a day before they don’t think so. Yes, yes, I know, cultural differences, but they still make me angry ;)
Oj Mojca!
A bo pauza za cez poletje? Hi hi, a pole mate zej ceu zur u bajti? Saj se vam hmal pridruzim, sam se Gambijo grem pogledat pa Senegal, pol bo pa itak tud kesa zmankalo pa bo treba prid domu klosart ;)
A cm bit mal nesramna? Samo malo? Glede une mreze... ;) Ce se s kom pogovarjas (ma ne mislim nobenga iz bajte kjer zivim) kr tko malo ku raki rikverc hodis, k jim "malo" zadah nagaja
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