Friday, June 30, 2006

Need a shower

29t June, 15.00

Last weekend I was home Tamara a friend of mine said: »This is just the beginning, you should take a photo of yourself now to see the difference after a week or two«. I was smashed down, ruined, my diploma ahead of me, my sister just came home for holidays after spending a year in London (and left home again) and big packing a day after diploma… Crazy week … or better … crazy month. Well as always everything worked out just fine and here I am sitting at Vienna airport for round 6 hours now ;)

When I finally said ooo now I'm on the plane and I can just take it easy and relax ha ha »no go«. After taking off from Brnik Airport we also flew back to Brnik due to bad weather in Vienna …. and took off again and land again (this time in Vienna), but my plane to Sydney was already gone. Vouala, now Frankfurt than Singapore and than hopefully Australia with around 14 h delays. Not so bad after poor 2 h of sleep (due to my diploma and goodbye “meeting” yesterday) bad turbulence on flight Brnik-Vienna (and me feeling a bit sick because of the drinks I had last night aw aw aw… ) and when the flight itself takes around 20h …. I need a shower!!!!!!! But “penso pozitivo” here I am sitting in a restaurant being served a nice meal Adria kindly offered me in exchange for probems made by the delay and my aunt arranged someone to pick me up at 5!!!! O’clock in the morning when I am by the latest news supposed to land in Sydney. So? Great!

30th June, 15.30

Aha that was a day ago and I’m still in Europe. The longest flight ever possible. Got to Frankfurt, got to the plane for Singapore, waited grounded in the plane for 2 h and afterwards “We are very sorry” ha ha ha, why no one is flying with me, it’s such a fun!!! Because of technical problems (Problem with plane doors) they sent us to Cheraton 5 stars hotel just next to Frankfurt airport and I got the room on 9th floor, so called VIP rooms (9th floor (you press tower rooms button in the elevator) has its own receptions, fitness room, breakfast room,…). I don’t know, but it seems like someone is playing “Your wish is my command” game with me. I wanted a shower and I got it. They said they’ll ring to wake us up (at first they assumed we will fly at midday) and when I went to bed at 3 o’clock in the morning I just thought that would be really nice to sleep long. And? They didn’t call because we are by latest news flying at 22.30 and I woke up at almost one o’clock in the afternoon. I needed a bit of peace after a mess last week and got a real spoiling. ;) My room with view to Frankfurt airport is air conditioned of course, has extremely cosy bed, television (saying good morning Miss Fili, you have one message from Singapore airlines…when I switch it on), mini coffee bar and chocolates next to the bed (plus payable minbar), hotel slippers, hotel T-shirt and so on…

Friday, June 23, 2006

Avstralia here we come

Just a quick post to see if it still works. My plane to Australia is on 29th of June.
Take care, Irena